What is Safe Sport?

SafeSport is the Olympic community’s initiative to recognize, reduce and respond to misconduct in sport. 

The US Center for SafeSport (Center) was created pursuant to Federal Legislation and the USOC. The Center has created the SafeSport Code for the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement.


USA Kickboxing has adopted a Safe Sport Policy and a Safe Sport Program Handbook to guide our members in this important movement.


https://www.wakousa.org/wako-usa-members/ ;   Click on Safe Sport


It is also important to understand what is not included in Safe Sport. Safe Sport is not about equipment safety, concussion protocol, or matters covered under the USA Kickboxing or WAKO International Federation Rule Book and Guide to Kickboxing.

Safe Sport Content Modules:

1) Mandatory Reporting: Understanding Your Responsibilities

 o Barriers to reporting 

 o Legal Requirements o Suspicion of abuse 

 o Reporting process 

2) Sexual Misconduct Awareness Education 

o Creating a safe and respectful environment 

o Relationship dynamics

  ▪ Coach-athlete relationship 

  ▪ Power dynamics and imbalances

o Understanding the differences between laws and policies

  ▪ Criminal laws 

  ▪ U.S. Center for SafeSport policies 

  ▪ Organizational policies 

o What is sexual misconduct? 

  ▪ Definition

  ▪ Types of sexual misconduct 

o Understanding consent

  ▪ Definition of consent 

  ▪ Age of consent 

  ▪ Capacity to consent 

  ▪ Consent and power imbalances 

o Child sexual abuse

  ▪ Legal definitions 

  ▪ SafeSport policy definitions

   ▪ Grooming 

   ▪ The victim’s perspective 

• How victims respond 

• Why they don’t report 

  ▪ Signs and symptoms of abuse 

  ▪ Prevention and response 

• Managing high risk situations (travel, social media and electronic communications, etc.) 

• Do’s and don’ts

3) Emotional and Physical Misconduct 

o Bullying 

  ▪ Definition of bullying

  ▪ Cyberbullying

  ▪ Effects of bullying

  ▪ Preventing bullying behaviors 

o Hazing 

  ▪ Definition of hazing 

  ▪ Preventing hazing 

o Harassment 

  ▪ Definition 

  ▪ Creating a safe environment for all athletes 

o Emotional misconduct

  ▪ Definition

  ▪ Types of emotional misconduct

  ▪ Effects of emotional misconduct 

o Physical misconduct 

  ▪ Definition 

  ▪ Types of physical misconduct 

**Each module includes a pre- and post-testing component and points users to additional resources.

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